When writing an essay, it is important to create an introductory paragraph with a strong thesis statement. The first few sentences introduce the topic in a general way. The thesis statement is placed at the end of the first paragraph and is an arguable claim that is likely to cause disagreement, not just a statement of fact.
Below is an example of an introductory paragraph on the topic of health disparities in Canada’s Medicare system. Notice the first three sentences provide background on the topic and the thesis statement, which is underlined, makes an arguable claim that would likely cause disagreement.
- Racial disparities are prevalent in all areas of society, but a key intersection of race and socioeconomics happens at the juncture of health care. The health disparities, unequal access to health care, and services that some people experience are not just influenced by social or economic factors, but racial inequality as well. This conglomeration of issues makes it difficult to find solutions to health care challenges that exist within some nations. While Canada’s Medicare system is based on the idea of universality, the current reality of the country’s health care system is still plagued with health disparities and unequal access to services.
A three-point thesis statement can also be used to provide reasons to support the argument. Adding these points to the abovementioned thesis statement would look like the following:
- While Canada’s Medicare system is based on the idea of universality, the current reality of the country’s health care system is still plagued with health disparities and unequal access to services stemming from the dynamics of race, socioeconomics, and power.
The subsequent body paragraphs, or sections of the paper, will focus on each of these three points, using them to support the argument of the paper.
Finally, it can be useful to write a thesis statement that clearly draws attention to itself such as:
- This paper will argue that while Canada’s Medicare system is based on the idea of universality, the current reality of the country’s health care system is still plagued with health disparities and unequal access to services.
A strong introductory paragraph is essential to writing a quality essay. Remember to craft an arguable claim as your thesis statement and allow the body of the paper to defend this argument.